AI: Tool for display bodies outside the hegemony?

For me, David by the artist Miguel Ángel Rojas is one of the most beautiful pieces of art about the painful history of my country, since the first time I saw the series of 12 photographs I was moved to tears. To emulate classical sculpture and poses is something I’ve always found fascinating, it’s a […]

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AI racism and racial bias

Experimenting with two AIs: Leonardo a Stable Difussion (both in their free-of-charge versions) I started to notice the bias against black and brown people.

Not-so-small details include the impossibility of the AIs of finding differences between Latin American Indigenous nations. It reflects the tendency of whiteness to put all of us in the same bag: “the other”.

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FINDOM or something alike

ste post es una “botella en el mar” para dichas personas. No creo necesitar justificarme ante nadie, no me avergüenzo de lo que hago, no veo nada malo en hacerlo o en quienes lo hacen y aún así una parte de mi siente que necesita explicar lo que hace a propios y extraños; así que en lugar de pelear contra esos sentimientos decidí escribir este enreverado texto.

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